pre-purchase your poker player package

If you are already sailing on the November 10th and 15th Resilient Lady Voyages, and would like to play in our poker room, you can pre-purchase your package today!

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WPT at Sea will communicate with you via email (and text if preferred) regarding your booking and additional events and promotions.

Please let us know who referred you to WPT at Sea - We would love to thank them!

Voyage Totals and Payment Information

Once you have chosen a cabin above, then complete the following section to lock in your booking.

This is the TOTAL DUE NOW for Cabins (or Deposit) and Poker Packages (if selected) for the booking.

ALL DEPOSITS AND PAYMENTS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. If you wish to protect your voyage, we recommend the purchase of our Voyage Protection. Have more questions? No worries. your WPT@Sea travel agent can help walk you through the process.

Please click the COMPLETE BOOKING BUTTON BELOW to complete your booking